Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo
Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Photographs: Pia Elizondo

Publisher: Self published

38 pages

Year: 2024

Price: 350

Comments: Hardcover, 25,2 x 21,7 cm. Handmade by artist.Limited edition of 5 copies. Signed and numbered.

Death is a bride is a journey through mourning, an inner journey through the shadows and lights that loss provokes, a walk with death and emptiness.

From the fragmentation of her own images, in a meticulous work carried out with a large-format camera, Pía Elizondo sets out in search of signs within her own visual universe. The author penetrates into her own images, as one enters into oneself when the existential void dictates it. She lets an inner voice be heard, and offers an inquisitive gaze, leaving faults that open up to a re-signification of reality. Pía Elizondo’s work is sustained in the fragile balance between desire and death, a tenuous edge where the image neither explains nor factualizes, it invites only a recreation of itself. Like a poem, the image here does not say what it is but what it could be, and opens to an interior monologue, that of the spectator. The realm of these images is not that of being, but that which contains other forms of possibility. These images are a sign, a promise of meaning, a mystery to be solved. They involve us in their enigma and give us an inner place to inhabit.

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)

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Pia Elizondo,Death is a bride (Signed and numbered)